30th Anniversary
Capital Campaign

Harrison opened its doors in the fall of 1989 and for over 30 years, we have witnessed numerous success stories that highlight the importance of an arts education.

During our 30th anniversary, we launched a capital campaign to renovate our main theatre. The main theatre, which houses the majority of performances at our school was part of the original construction.

Thanks to the support of our school district, we received new stage curtains, paint, and carpet in the theatre. Through many generous supporters, we raised enough private funds to refurbish the seating in the theatre in 2021. We are now in the process of raising funds to upgrade our sound and lighting systems in the theatre. Thank you to all of our generous supporters!!

30th Anniversary Capital Campaign Levels

BRONZE - $25,000 or above
Kelly Joel Adams

DIAMOND - $10,000 or above
Harrison Parents' Association
Robert Darby
Les Ginny Dunson
Hollis Debbie Hooks

SAPPHIRE- $5,000 or above
Kit Evalyn Duncan
Laura Jim Verplanck

RUBY- $1,000 or above
Bell/Barnett Family Fund
Citizens Bank Trust
Anna Baldwin Emma Cheuse
Howard Deanna Bayless
Joshua Jessica Beck
Michael Nancy Carter
Brian Lesley Chambers
Cox Family Fund
Ed Denise Crenshaw
Dale Susan Dreyer
Kevin Charlotte Dunn
Art Barb Erickson
Steve Michell Githens
Michael Pamela Harrington
Chris Luisa Harrison
Frank Anne Howes
Aradean Jordan
Tom Crystal Norman
Deborah Ricardson
Larry Nancy Schofield
Brian Ellen Walsh
Dr. Matthew Heather Werd